Dirty Brushes

Blog about oils, education and life

What did I do in April. Part 2

Monday, May 16, 2016

I'm here again to continue the talk about April.
Here is one of the paintings from the series called "Last Dance" (you can see it in a good quality in my portfolio).
I don't like to buy flowers with an intention to paint them, it's too responsible for me - you need to be sure that this week you'll sit down to paint them, and, if for some reason it doesn't happen, I'll feel guilty. Plus, to the dismay of my dear mother, I don't like to draw beautiful flowers.
It was different with these flowers, because they were fading beautifully. They stood on my desk and almost talked to me - look at us as we bent, dance, don't you want to draw us? Eventually, they persuaded me and it turned into a whole series.

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