Dirty Brushes

Blog about oils, education and life

What did I do in April. Part 1

Friday, May 6, 2016

It's already May! I was swallowed up by new artworks and didn't do a single post.

What was going on that month? I wanted to make a quick overview of what I did, thought of, planned, but, as usual, the review began to grow rapidly. So I've decided to divide one long post into a few smaller. It seems that in May I'll talk about April. Do not judge me for this delay!

Recently, I've been trying different approaches to working with palette. For example, this time I tried to mix colors in a puddle. Some painters go further and create a puddle of one color, parts of which they lighten or darken depending on their need. I was afraid that it will turn into mud too quickly, so I premixed several colors from light to dark and worked with them.
If the colors are close, it's much easier to create the transitions between them or make them colder/warmer. The only drawback, which is noted by many artists, is that the mixture gets dirty quickly, so you need to clean the palette from time to time and mix colors almost from scratch.

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