Dirty Brushes

Blog about oils, education and life

Repin, my study and his paintings

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

I have to admit - I'm absolutely in love with Repin, as an artist and as a person. Here is a quick study of his portrait of Mussorgsky I did recently.

I could talk about him for a long time, so I'll better show a few of his paintings.

Portrait of Tretyakov (1883)
When I see this painting, I can't stop staring at the hand - it's done so masterfully, it has a character.

Portrait of Tretyakov (1901)

Mudrogel in the pose of Pavel Tretyakov in halls of the gallery (1904)

Aleksander III receiving rural district elders in the yard of Petrovsky Palace in Moscow (1885-1886)
The painting at the Tretyakov gallery

Religious Procession in Kursk Province (1883)

I remember that this post is about Repin, but here is a very similar painting by Illarion Pryanishnikov, he was also (like Repin) a member of group called Peredvizhniki (The Itinerants, The Wanderers).

Religious Procession (1893) by Illarion Pryanishnikov

And finally, yesterday I saw a book called "Tretyakov gallery", the quality of it was outstanding. Sounds like a perfect Christmas present to myself!

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