Dirty Brushes

Blog about oils, education and life

Coping with sadness

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Last week I worked very hard and this week I'm completely devastated. I just want to lie on the floor and stare at the ceiling. Wish, there was a magic potion that could fill me with energy, but, as far as I know, magic is not an option.

What makes you happy and gives you energy, when you are depressed?

For me, the best way is to go out. Since we have a dog, it became much easier to force ourselves to go for a walk. Plus, there are always a lot of dogs I can cuddle, that’s why I usually come back home happy and ready for a work.

Last week was a bit snowy
It’s not a very successful week for me, however, 3 paintings out of 5 are finished! There are 2 days till the weekend, so I'm hoping to finish all of them.

There are so many birds! I stopped counting after 30th

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