Dirty Brushes

Blog about oils, education and life

Summer Painting Haul

Monday, June 22, 2015

There are certain pluses in being an artist. For example, you have a serious reason to go to art supply stores - you need it for your work.

I never go to art shops without a shopping list. It's my rule Number 1 - always have a list before entering the shop. It helps not to buy stuff I won't need, because at the end, when I choose (thoughtfully!) everything I've mentioned on the list, I am so tired and I don't want to go and choose something else. Usually, at the end of the shopping I find myself just staring at something, for example, 500$ brushes.

Here is the review of goodies I've bought recently.

1. Walnut oil by Maimeri. Previously, I was using a linseed oil, but after I discover all the pluses and minuses of walnut oil I've decided to try it (the article about oils is here).

2. Slight smell diluent by Sonnet - cheap, a bit smelly, but a perfect choice to clean the palette (previous week I even wrote an article on how to clean the palette).

3. Odourless white spirit by Royal Talens. Once I used a turpentine and the whole flat was stinking horribly. It wasn't the worst smell you can imagine, but surely not appetizing. So for now the most important thing about the solvent for me is the smell (more about solvents is here).

4. Oiler with a lid. Somehow, I've lost the lid from a previous oiler. White-spirit evaporates pretty fast, so new oiler was a necessity. 

5. Raw Umber and Zinc White (6) paints Van Gogh by Royal Talens - I always use these two paints for grisaille (I have an article about Value, where I mention grisaille - it's here)

7. Cheap synthetic fan brush - perfect for blending hair.

1. 3 stretched canvases, 2 are coarse and 1 is fine. I usually prefer the fine grain canvases, but this time the choice was very limited.

2. New palette.

3. Chipboard on a frame (the brown one). I use it to pin a paper on and draw. Especially useful if you like to put the drawing on easel.

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