Dirty Brushes

Blog about oils, education and life

New painting and thoughts about self-bullying

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Recently, I’ve started a series of works dedicated to self-abusing.

One of the worst things you can do to yourself is to endlessly compare, dig and hate. It won't make you a better person - it will take all of your strengths and aspirations.

My new painting - "Self-Bullying"

We constantly compare ourselves to others - and always there is someone more fit, smarter, more talented, just better. Sometimes it gives us inspiration and helps to move on, but in most cases it just makes us feel worse.

Did you ever feel that you are too old or not gifted enough for something? Sometimes we really are - old, not gifted, etc., but it's we who can change the situation. You cannot become younger, but you can change the attitude.

For example, "untalented" people (my mother always said that I'm not talented at art) can learn better, than those who have a natural gift, because we need to practice and learn more to get to their level. Knowing how to learn and how to get better - is a real advantage.

Don't treat yourself badly! You will save a lot of time and effort if you'll be kind to yourself. Help yourself - give yourself a hand, not a punch in the face.

My dog keeps his head high even after a surgery
Try to be happy, because no one can be happy for you.

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