Dirty Brushes

Blog about oils, education and life

Step by step: the process of creating the Confidence and Determination

Sunday, April 5, 2015

1. The beginning

The painting always starts with an idea and a sketch. Usually I don't do many sketches, because the image in the head is quite clear. This sketch looks pretty similar to how the painting will look at the end.  

2. Exploration

The next stage is exploration - time to study model, do drawings and value sketches, find references. It's the most promising and thrilling stage. 
Always interesting to find out how other artists explore the similar theme. Through the process of painting I was constantly looking at this beautiful work by Richard Geiger to get the dose of inspiration and motivation.

3. Values

When the detailed sketch is done I traced it on canvas. Usually I colorize canvases with a mix of turpentine and raw umber, it's much easier to judge the values when they are applied to colored surface. It also gives you the ability to start from the white parts if you want to.

Starting from the big shapes I'm building the values. When the initial relationships are done I start to add the details.

4. Colorizing

The most tense stage for me, because the end is close.
I start with a washy mix of oil colors and a thinner. After the first rough layer dries I continue to paint over.

5. The final

When everything is done and dried I check if the extra adjustments are needed and, if nothing needs to be done, I apply the retouching varnish. It helps to protect the painting and luster the colors.

After a year or so the painting needs to be covered with a damar varnish which keeps your work glossy and fresh throughout the years.

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